Friday, June 26, 2020

Dealing with Tough Topics in your WIP

Hey guys! I hope your summer is off to a fabulous start! I've been keeping busy with work, school, an surprisingly enough I've also managed to get a nice amount of writing done. I just finished up the first draft of my WWII novella, Untitled, and I'm excited to move onto the next steps and work toward getting it ready to share with  you all! <3 

If I've learned anything through writing it, it's how hard it is to deal with, well, hard topics. You know, PTSD, suicide, homosexuality, abandonment, single parent homes, divorce, abortion, racism, politics... all those things we don't really like to think about. 
I'm the kind of person who's all for reading a book that will make me think and challenge me, but when it comes to writing it? Ehh, no thanks. I'm going to pass. I'll let someone else do that. 
It doesn't come easy to deal with controversial topics. Especially in today's day and age where disagreeing with someone is drawing battle lines. Even a suggestion that someone may be wrong is considered wrong.

So how are we supposed to deal with that as Christian authors?

I had decided to avoid it. I mean, no one would really care if I tackled hard subjects. I write historical fiction, it's not like I'll be dealing with current events. 
But sometimes current events aren't only current. They've been going on for years, simply in a less visible way. And sometimes God puts something on your heart and doesn't give you a break about it until you give in and write it. 

Then it kinda becomes something you can't avoid anymore. We can't always stay neutral. Sometimes the only choice is to take a stand. 

Untitled  is about two soldiers in the Pacific war. But it deals with more then that. Specifically, it deals with PTSD and homosexuality. And even typing that is kinda terrifying because I know there are a lot of people who are not going to be okay with it. 
But I know that God's okay with it. And that's the most important thing. 

So I thought I'd do a quick post today with some tips I've learned through writing this book. These are things I've learned along the way and I hope they might be helpful to y'all as well. <3 

1.) Pray. A lot. And then pray some more. Because writing and thinking about releasing such things out into the world is terrifying. What if no one likes it? What if all the reviews are negative? What if I somehow someone takes it the wrong way? What if it does more harm then good? What if I'm not portraying things the right way? Friend, if you're writing the book to please the Lord, He will bless it. There will always be that one person who needs your book. Who is struggling with that very topic and needs the encouragement. Write it for them. 

2.) Check your motive. Are you trying to instruct or inform people? To shine light on a little known or talked about fact? Or are you trying to prove you're right? Even if you *are* right, trying to prove it through a fictional book is probably not the best way to go about it. The only people who will read it are those who agree with you, and you won't end up reaching the people you wanted to or the people who need it. 

3.) Don't use the book as an argument.  Trust me, I more than anyone else should know how easy this is to do. When you believe something strongly, it's only natural that you want to share your opinions. And sometimes the easiest way to do it is through characters. But there's a fine line there, because you have to make sure you're not using the book as a platform to preach. 
If you have something to say, then say it. But don't try and muffle the voice behind your characters.  

4.) Give it to God and watch Him work. Because He will. He'll take our struggles and imperfections and use them for His glory. And you'll be surprised how much you grow through the writing of it. 

5.) Write it. Just do it. Do it scared. It's okay to not have it all figured out. It's okay to not have the answers. When God prompts you to do something, you don't have to have it all figured out. Because He does. 


  1. This post. So much yes. <33 Most of my stories deal with tough topics and yeah, it's scary. But if it's what God wants you to do, it's so rewarding. <3 I can't wait to read that story, Jessa. <33

    1. Yes! It's hard to say no to God and be able to get anywhere. It's much more worth it to just do it.

  2. Oh my! I can't wait to see this book come out! It sounds like an amazing story. I know even a book can make a difference...and thank you for having the courage to take your stand.

    1. I hope you enjoy it! I know it's been quite the experience for me to write.

  3. Oh, wow! I so agree. This sounds like an amazing story!

    1. Thanksss! I think it is, but then I'm also quite biased. XD
