Monday, December 18, 2017

12 Days of Christmas - Christmas Music

Hey y'all! I'm back! A bit late, since I forgot to schedule it ahead of time.

Today I'm talking about Christmas music.  But a bit different kind of Christmas music. There are so many songs that we associate with christmas.  Most of them are joyful and happy as we rejoice at the coming of our Saviour. And we should be celebrating that. But at the same time, these songs bring us awareness of a different kind of Christmas, for so many people. People who can't be home with family,  or who are suffering during this time.

Let's remember to pray for them and be there for them when they need it, while we rejoice and celebrate this Christmas.

One Last Christmas 

Christmas in Camaflouge 

Christmas Shoes

Y'all,  we have it so good.  But in our busyness,  let's not look past those who are hurting this year. Let's make it a special kind of Christmas for them this year.


  1. Ah Christmas Shoes! I love that song!!

  2. One Last Christmas...I think my heart just broke. These are precious, Jess. <33

    1. *nods* Did you know there's a movie about it? I'm gonna watch it and cry.
