Saturday, May 26, 2018

Little Things

The little things. The wind rippling across fields of grain. New flowers, opening their petals to the sun. Dirt roads. Sunshine filled days. Little siblings bringing you handfuls of dandelions. A friend that is always there to listen. The fact that we're alive today.

Picture from pinterest
Sometimes it's the little things that we overlook in this busy life. But if we take a moment to stop and notice them, we realize...they aren't so little after all.

Life is so busy nowadays. Well, at least for my family it is. And it is so easy to get caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle and get so focused on the big events in life, that the little blessings are overlooked. When you're worrying about college and a job and trying to plan the summer and wondering what it will bring, it's hard to make yourself take the time to pause each day and be thankful for the little blessings around you. So often it's not that we aren't thankful for them or don't want to be thankful for them. Instead, it's that our focus is off kilter. We think that each new season of life will hold what we are looking for. And maybe it will. But looking back, we'll always miss the part of our life we're in now. We'll wonder why we didn't treasure those days where in all honesty... we really didn't have that much to worry about.

So instead of looking at the future and worrying about what may happen, pause and look around you. Take some time today to look at the little blessings God has placed in your life. Make a point to enjoy them. To live each day to the fullest. Because you'll never get this day back.

Picture from pinterest

Today I'm thankful for: Sunshine. Country. The whisper in the wind that summer is on the way. The field of corn across from our house that makes for some epic pictures. A friend who stayed up till nearly midnight to talk. A new day full of possibilities. What little things are you thankful for? 


  1. I'm thankful for sunny weather, a moment without my eyes itching (allergies ), an extra hour of sleep, a great conversation with my mom, and a quartet of psalms this morning that were so encouraging!

  2. what a beautiful reminder Jessica :) I'm thankful for siblings and laughter, the green grass and rain. <3
