Friday, December 18, 2015

12 Days of Christmas--Day 5--The Christmas Miracle

Hey y'all! Okay, today's post is just a little bit different. Instead of just reading through all the post, you're going to have to do some of the things in order. You can't just read the post and watch the videos later.Trust me, it will be well worth it! 
Okay, first watch the video below.

Got that done? Wasn't it so sad and sweet at the same time? I've watched it over and over again. The fist time I cried, all the other times I've just gotten teary-eyed. 
I decided to write a short story based off of the "movie" you've just watched. Would it be called fan-fiction? Probably, I'm not sure. :P It's basically a narrative of the movie.
Okay, now press play on the video below. This step is optional. If you don't like to have music playing while you're reading then skip it! :)  I know I do enjoy music playing while I'm reading, so I found a piece I thought matched both the clip above and the piece I wrote. Music always makes reading more real for me. . .I may be weird. ;) 

Okay, is the music playing? (or not if you chose not to) Now here's my super short "fan-fiction" story. :) 

The Christmas Miracle

Jim fingered the package in his hand. The snow fell lightly around the men huddled together in the trenches. It was Christmas eve, but it didn’t matter. War didn’t stop for anything or anyone.
He glanced at the faces of the men around him. Fear, uncertainty, and above all, loneliness.
Somehow Christmas made home seem further away than ever.
He fingered the picture that Lynette had sent to him. Her pretty face smiled back at him. Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to be home!
The gift that she had included in the package made him smile. Chocolate. She knew it was his favorite. It seemed to bring a sliver of warmth into the bitter cold to know that back home, they were all thinking about him and praying for him.
The smile faded as a sudden noise from the direction of the enemy camp made him glance up. Oh, please, Lord. No fighting, not today.  He breathed the prayer before he even recognized what the sound was.
He stood up, could he be hearing right?
A glance at his battalion commander confirmed what he had heard. The Germans were indeed singing “Silent Night” in German.
A smile lit the weary faces of the men around him as they all joined in, singing Silent Night in English.
A feeling of awe swept over Jim as he sang the familiar words. Here they were, two different groups of people, two enemies, singing a simple Christmas song together. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the differences between the two countries could be settled as simply?
The song finished and a quiet swept over the barren countryside.
A sudden thought hit Jim, but he shook it away. No, there was no way. Christmas or not, they were in the middle of a war.
He sat back and the silence seemed to close in on them like a thick fog. Some of the men didn’t seem to care as they closed their eyes and tried to rest during the reprieve. Others, like him, looked around anxiously.
Jim rubbed his hands together, doing his best to keep them warm despite the cold temperatures. A whole day spent like this? The thought was not appealing, and his earlier idea wouldn’t leave. Maybe they’ll be friendly today. Perhaps, for one day, we can put aside our difference. They sing the same songs we do. Surely they wish for peace just as much. It was an idea he knew would be immediately refused by his commander, so he slowly stood. A few of the men glanced at him in mild curiosity, but most of them didn’t even spare him a glance. Good, that should make this easier.
He removed his hat from his hand and started up one of the ladders that let out of the trenches. He heard a startled gasp behind him, but he kept going, hands spread out to show a sign of peace.
As he came up over the side of the trench, a sudden cry rang out from the German lines. They thought he was leading an attack. For a moment he faltered. Should he continue going forward and risk perhaps getting killed? Or should he retreat back to the trenches where it was safe?
Common sense told him to do the latter, but something continued to push him forward.
It was at that moment, as the German voices rang across the silence, that his battalion commander caught sight of him. Uncrossing his arms he jumped up. “Jim, Jim no! Don’t do it”
Jim paid no attention as he continued all the way up until he was standing firmly on the frozen ground.
He could almost feel the German guns pointed at him and he steeled himself, waiting for the first hit.
But before it could come, a voice yelled “halt!” One, lone voice, but the wind seemed to carry it to Jim’s ears and a renewed hope surged through him. Perhaps Christmas would be special after all.
As he stood, his eyes fixed on the German lines, one man appeared, arms spread apart just like his had been.
They continued toward each other, each holding the other's gaze. Jim felt as though he were in a trance. Is this really happening?
Jim heard other men step up behind him and saw a number of the German soldiers do the same.
As they met in the middle, Jim surveyed the soldier. His enemy. The man was about his age with dark black hair. No hate was in his eyes and he looked like so many others, wishing only for peace.  
Jim reached his hand out, “My name is Jim.”
The man opposite him smiled ever so slightly. “and my name is Otto.”
His German accent was thick, but his english seemed to be impeccable
He smiled, “I’m pleased to meet you, Otto.”
Otto nodded, his face blossoming into a full smile. “It is good to meet you as well.”
Jim glanced around the field, amazed by the transformation that had taken place. Former enemies were laughing together, shaking hands, seeing each other was not enemies, but as fellow humans. As friends. There was no hard feelings between the men as they laughed with one another, each one genuinely happy for a break from the fighting.
Jim turned back toward Otto, pulling a picture from his pocket. “This is Lynette. My girl waiting for me.”
Otto smiled and said something in German he couldn't quite understand.
Otto smiled at his confusion as he repeated the word, motioning to his face.
“Oh,” Jim nodded as understanding dawned on his face. Beautiful. He was saying she was beautiful.
Someone tapped Jim on the back and he turned as one of his friends darted past, kicking what looked to be a ball.
Jim nodded and smiled, clapping Otto on the back, ‘You play?”
Otto nodded and took off his jacket and setting it down, forming a makeshift division between the two teams. The game was organized and  soon the field that had been so quiet and still that morning was filled with the sounds of laughter and rivalry as they played together, genuinely enjoying the company of their new-found friends.
Jim glanced away from the game for a while and smiled as he saw many German and British soldiers exchanging gifts with one another.
Soon some of the older officers joined in as their game continued. Jim laughed as he was knocked to the ground by one of the Germans as he landed in the snow. The German grinned as he landed in the snow beside him; he was clearly enjoying the game just as much as anyone else.
The game wasn’t one side against the other. Instead, they mingled together, both Germans and British soldiers on either side.
Jim stood and hurried back into the game. The day wore on, neither side seeming to be aware of the time passing.
The sudden noise of cannons to the south brought an abrupt halt to the game. The clapping and cheering of those on the sidelines fell silent as the realization that they were at war fell heavily upon each man’s soldiers.
The game stopped and faces that had been smiling turned grim. The soldiers suddenly gathered their things back together as they each started back toward their opposite trenches.
A feeling of sadness engulfed Jim. It was over. Christmas was over and the war was about to begin again. Why, oh why couldn't the leaders see that peaces was so much more desirable?
Jim glanced up and his eyes met those of Otto’s. A silent message seemed to pass between the men as they shook hands for the final time.
Jim nodded to him, “Happy Christmas.”
Seeming to ignore the sounds of the cannons in the distance, Otto grinned and replied in German. Jim could guess what he had said. Even if they didn't speak the same language, his eyes said it all Merry Christmas.
That was all. Then they both turned and went back to the trenches.
As Jim found a place to sit and settle down, he opened up his tin and smiled. The chocolate was no longer there, it had been slipped into Otto’s coat. Lynette will be glad to know her gift has been a blessing to not one but two people.
He leaned back against the wall as the cannons seemed to move in closer. Once again, they were enemies, but not truly. He would never forget the day that they had laid aside their differences and enjoy a Christmas with the enemy. Thank you, Lord for the gift you’ve given us.It was a silent but heartfelt prayer.
God had truly given them a Christmas Miracle.

And, last but not least, the making of the Christmas ad you watched at the beginning of the post. Press play and watch away! (Hey, that rhymes!)

So. . .what did you think? Isn't the story behind the ad so sweet and sad? *sniffs* I really enjoyed watching both the ad and the story behind it. I mean, what a special Christmas! I hope you all enjoyed the "surprise" post! :)


  1. Wow. Just wow. I wish this happened more often in our everyday life. Putting aside our anger and making friends with those whom we might consider enemies. Like, more often than just Christmas.
    Thank you so much for sharing these videos with us. It was amazing to watch. :')

    1. I know. I mean, if we all did that, how much of the conflict there is today would be avoided?
      It would make a huge, huge difference.
      You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed them all. . .I LOVED watching them. ;)
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. I agree with...everything Rebekah said. :) So, so good. I just love Jim. He reminds me of Michael. ;)
    I think you've captured all of this perfectly. They don't want to be out there killing each other. Yet the are. They yearn for peace, yet out of their allegiance to their own countries they're out there fighting. *sniff, sniff*

    Thank you so much for sharing, Jesseca!!

    1. Yeah. . .I can see him as Micheal! ;)
      I'm so glad you liked it!
      Thanks for commenting! :)

  3. I won't lie...that story made me tear up! The music in the background totally set the mood. It was perfect and it was such a great story!

    1. Same here. ;) I'm glad you liked it with the music! Music makes things a lot more real for me when I'm reading because it adds more emotion. (At least in my opinion. ;))
      Thanks for commenting!
