Saturday, March 31, 2018

What God's been Teaching me - March

March is . . . gonna be over tomorrow? It doesn't seem quite possible, but the calendar is telling me it's the truth. A lot happened this month in my family. Winter officially morphed into spring. New blossoms are on the trees. God answered prayers in ways we couldn't even imagine, and continued to say 'wait in other areas.
 Meanwhile, the Kansas air transformed from the chilly wintry winds to breath the sweet, warm breath of springtime. And yes, that makes me really happy. Because I love summer and spring means it's on its way here. ^_^ 
This month was busy, but a bit quieter then the first two months of the year. I was able to spend a Sunday visiting with a dear friend, finish up some writing, as well as plan out April a bit . . . because that month is gonna be crazy busy. ;) 

This month I finished up my writing project, I Don't Dance. Why am I mentioning that here after I've already talked about it so much? xD Well, because a lot of what God taught me this month He taught me through my writing of that little book. 

To be honest, the whole writing process of that book had God's hand on it. I never would have told you that I've ever be writing a contemporary romance. Those are two genres I am not a huge fan of. One reason is because it seems like so many of them are cliche or ridiculous. Another reason because I've realized that with every book I write, there are little pieces of me that make their way into each one. And while I was writing historical fiction, that was totally fine. I could hide behind the characters in times gone by. But writing contemporary . . .well, it's not as easy to hide. And those who know you well can pretty easily see where a part of your life impacted the writing. 
I Don't Dance was no exception. One of the main themes of the book trusting God, and being content when He says wait. No, I haven't exactly been struggling with it in the same situation the characters in the story do, but I have been struggling with it. 

And when it got to the point where I was going to send my little book to others to read, I was terrified. This book had so much of what God had been teaching me in it, that it was near and dear to my heart. I couldn't stand the fact that there would be people out there who didn't enjoy it or understand it. And then I realized something . . . God didn't just want me to write a sweet story. He didn't want me to write a story and then keep it to myself. No, He was teaching me to be vulnerable in my writing. To write something I loved and then hand it over to others and know that it's gonna be okay. No, not everyone will like it. But you know what? God guided and directed this story. I'm writing for Him. 
And in the end . . . that's really all that matters. 

God's been teaching me to be honest. With myself and with others. To not hide who I am because I'm afraid people won't understand or accept me. I don't write so that people will like me or my writing. I write because I feel that God has called me to. He's given me the gift, and I strive to use it to honor Him. 
And that writing that I often hid because I was afraid of what people would think? Well, I've begun to realize it's as much a part of me as my family. ;) For so long I've had two different lives. Real life, and writing life. At times they would mesh, but normally they were separate. And this month I've been realizing . . . they're not things that need kept separate. 

My everyday life impacts my writing. Should not then my writing also be a part of that life? Yes, that means people who know me will read my books. Yes, it means they'll probably be able to see more clearly then most where the lines between fact and fiction face. 

And that's gonna be okay. Because I don't need to hide that anymore. 

So what point am I trying to make in all that rambling? ;) Be you. Be honest. Be real. Be vulnerable. Follow what God has given you to do. Go where He's leading. Wait where He says to pause. But never waver in your obedience because you're afraid of what people will think. Trust Him. He's got this. Yes, I applied this to writing, but it can be really be applied to any area of life. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. 

What has God been teaching you? What scripture verse has been an encouragement to you this month? 


  1. Sharing your heart in writing is very hard. I went through the same thing with my book, Coffee Shop Christmas. But God has blessed it so much! Vulnerability in writing may be hard, but it is so rewarding in the end!

  2. I seriously just smiled through this post. So happy for ya. <33
